Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories – Case Study

Genesys is the global multi-channel customer experience and contact center solution leader that helps companies engage effortlessly with their customers, across all touchpoints, channels and interactions to deliver differentiated customer journeys, while maximizing revenue and loyalty.


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories is the market leader in multichannel customer experience and contact center solutions in the cloud and on-premises. A leading enterprise software company with more than 3,200 employees worldwide, Genesys is trusted by over 4,500 customers in 80 countries.


A leading software company in the contact center industry with thousands of employees and customers worldwide, Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories creates and delivers a lot of content to its customers. And when customers want and need critical information, it simply must be available. The company was using OpenText to manage its enterprise content, but the system was only meeting the needs of a few key stakeholders. A platform was needed that could address the content storage needs of a wide range of groups from legal to finance, professional services to engineering that also offered versioning and could grow with the company.

Genesys needed an enterprise content management system that was useful out of the box, flexible, and affordable – and one that was accessible both within the company firewall, as well as through a virtual private network (VPN). The company also wanted a hybrid solution that was customizable to its specific requirements.

“We needed a system with a workflow, co-authoring capabilities, collaborative capability, document storage and versioning,” said Michael Katten, Genesys’ director of technical publications. “We wanted a hosted solution, accessible from within a firewall environment, as well as to those using the VPN.”


After evaluating several solutions including MindTouch, Genesys chose Alfresco as its enterprise content management platform.

Not only does Alfresco serve as a content repository, the company also leverages its ability to sync to the cloud to deliver thousands of documents from behind the firewall to customers to be easily downloaded from the web.

For vendors, Genesys’ Technical Publication Team creates folders in Alfresco behind the firewall and then syncs that content in those folders to the cloud. Vendors are able to access and download documents, review them, and upload content back to the cloud for the Technical Publication Team to take action. All copies are maintained and versioned.

For customers, Genesys developed a script via Alfresco’s open architecture that allows anonymous access from a website to pull documents directly from the cloud. Documentation is created inside the firewall, uploaded into Alfresco, and automatically synced to the cloud.

“We work entirely behind the firewall. We put all of our content into an enterprise instance of Alfresco that is onsite in a private cloud, then make select sites within Alfresco automatically sync to various cloud sites that we can make available to our vendors and customers,” said Katten.


Today, Alfresco serves as the company’s primary content versioning and storage tool. Some 3,200 Genesys employees use Alfresco to manage customer-facing content, as well as for content storage.

Since implementing Alfresco, with the help of partner Reva Solutions, Genesys has been able to share information and documentation with its customers more efficiently and at a much lower cost.

“In the past twelve months, our customers have successfully downloaded over 150,000 documents through this hybrid solution at the rate of 3,500 to 4,000 documents a week – all based on Alfresco’s hybrid capabilities of syncing from an enterprise instance to the cloud,” said Katten. “With the money saved on infrastructure, we were able to hire additional headcount, which has been a real benefit for the organization.”

All content is tagged and organized to improve searchability, as well as to ensure governance of all critical data that is pushed to customers. Alfresco’s flexibility allows the company to easily map its thematic needs for information governance within the content management system, Katten said.

“For Genesys, Alfresco has met our content management needs and has made content delivery to our customers available in a unique and fantastic way,” said Katten. “We have had a great response from our customers and Alfresco has been the foundation for making all of this happen.”

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